China Leads the World in Renewable Energy Transition

China Leads the World in Renewable Energy Transition

The Spanish World Order website published an article titled “China, a Renewable Energy Powerhouse” on May 7. The article stated that China is in a leading position in all aspects of the energy transition industry, including invention, manufacturing and export, and its goal is to Achieve carbon neutrality. China is also a leader in the supply of renewable energy technologies, related industries and the construction of decarbonized plants. For two decades, Chinese companies have led the way, producing the world’s largest solar and wind power plants and the largest suppliers of wind turbines and solar panels. All this is due to the strong support of the government.

The article also said that from the beginning, China understood what it needed to do to master the new energy geopolitics. On the one hand, controlling the extraction of raw materials needed for green energy; on the other hand, developing technologies for these renewable industries. Chinese companies produce 70 percent of the world’s solar panels, a third of its wind turbines and half of its electric cars. They gain a competitive advantage by controlling much of the mining and buying of many strategic raw materials, such as nickel used in solar panels.

The article further says that China sees a niche market in the EV battery supply chain. It pioneered the purchase of cobalt from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which was useful for its production and was cheap at the time, accounting for nearly 70% of global refined cobalt production. China also controls much of the supply chain for lithium-ion batteries used in cars, cellphones and laptops. All of this has made China the favored trading partner in the global race to cut emissions, and an electronics powerhouse in the style of an “oil powerhouse”.


Taiwan’s “China Times News Network” report on May 7 also praised China’s electric power development as leading the world.

The report said that if the high-speed rail of the “infrastructure madman” is the business card for the mainland to go global, then the achievements of the mainland’s power development are the shining gold medals won by the Olympics. Continental Power is twice that of the United States and five times that of India, far ahead of the world.

The report also said that with the development of the economy, in the process of rapidly becoming the world’s most powerful industrial country, the mainland has continued to expand and improve its total power generation, power structure, power transmission and power allocation, and has now achieved safety and efficiency. world-leading level. But like most countries, the mainland is also overly dependent on thermal power generation, so it is also working hard to develop multiple energy sources.

The report emphasized that in order to improve environmental protection capabilities, the mainland is gradually promoting the development of clean energy and reducing its dependence on coal.

The report also said that the mainland implemented the “Renewable Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China” in 2006 to promote the increase of renewable energy supply, improve the energy structure and ensure energy security. The mainland is the world’s largest hydroelectric power generating country. At present, the total amount of hydroelectric power generation, dam building technology and hydroelectric generator manufacturing technology are leading the world. Since 2011, the mainland has produced most of the world’s photovoltaic equipment products, and the technology and production capacity of solar panels and batteries have dominated the world. At present, the mainland accounts for 97% of the global solar wafer production. The mainland is also the world’s largest wind power equipment manufacturing base and the world’s largest wind power generation country.

In addition, the report said that in 2020, the mainland’s nuclear power generation capacity surpassed that of France, a major nuclear power country, and became the second largest nuclear power country in the world after the United States.

The report concludes that the mainland’s power industry, regardless of technology and scale, is a world-leading gold medal industry.

Post time: Sep-23-2023